Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It happens to all of us. We wake up one day and the mirror reflects a different person than who we think we are. The hair has hints of gray, there are wrinkles around the eyes (which I believe are really laugh lines and if you don't have them, you haven't laughed enough. I for one, laugh ALOT)! But I digress... you notice that there are funny spots on your skin, body parts sagging, the memory isn't what it used to be, you can't do things as well as you used to, noise bothers you, sleep eludes you, and the list goes on and on.  And as you tell your husband these new revelations about yourself, he sweetly says "Honey, I love you just the way you are."  Translation:  "Yup, I noticed that about you too." GASP!!!!

As I am flipping through the latest fashion magazine,  I am judging myself based on an airbrushed photograph of a twenty-something, anorexic model with not enough fashion sense to come in out of the rain! Then I see the cartoon of Ziggy climbing the mountain to reach the old, wrinkled, bent-over man, seeking wisdom and knowledge of life. I think, how is that fair? Women have to look "airbrushed" and men are thought to have wisdom when they look old, wrinkled and bent-over! As always, I seek answers to my questions in the one and only Book of Truth.

The Bible has much to say about getting old and how we should perceive ourselves. To see ourselves as God sees us. Here are some examples:

"...silver haired head is a crown of glory..." (Prov 16:31)
"For bodily exercise profits little... (1 Tim 4:8) (I really like this one)!!!!
"...for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)
"Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed." (Psalm 139:16)
" ..for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Sam 16:21)

And I am so blessed that my husband is a godly man and that he truly loves me just the way I am!

"Husbands love your wives.." (Eph 5:25)
"...that He may present her..not having spot or wrinkle.." (Eph 5: 27)

Knowing all these things, I can look in the mirror and say "You are a wise woman"....right after I get back from the spa!!!

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