Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Flock of Robins

This morning I was awakened by a flock of robins singing and dancing on my porch roof, then in the big oak tree, then on the ground, then off to the field. They carried on for quite some time insuring I was fully awake and that they were totally noticed! As a New Englander,  my first thought was "Ahhh..Spring"!! But as the caffeine took hold I realized I was in Florida and everyone knows that is where birds spend their winters (hence the term "snowbirds")!!

So was it luck? or happenstance? or a deeper meaning for this "awakening to the vision of Spring?" Which brings to mind The Book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven..."  For the last couple of years I have been in a Winter Season of life's problems. Health, finances, job loss, broken relationships, spiritual struggles... Not knowing God's plan or the "reason for the season", but trusting that He has one, I wonder if this was God's way of telling me that 2010 is my Spring Season???